
Remove the spec in your eyes

Photo credit: Pinterest

Most of us don’t know the will of God for our marriages, we just want to marry our spec. Don’t worry, I’m not accusing you. I used to be on this table too, mine was even worst, I knew the will of God, but somehow I wanted his will to fit my spec, or my spec to fit his will. Yes, these tables need to be broken, we need to understand the will of God.

We always pray for His will to be done in our lives, we always pray for His plans, what if His will is not your spec? would you still accept it, or would you fight it? I’m not saying this to scare you from praying His will, no. I only want you to understand the verse and understand what you are praying for.

“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:10‬ ‭KJV‬‬

This prayer is not for self-centered believers, it’s for believers who are ready to let go of their lives and live His. It’s for believers who understand that Jesus died for them to live for Him.

I hear some folks say ’ Christianity is too easy, you don’t have to pray all the time and the prayers are too easy’ well, here is the thing: Christianity is not for the selfish or self-centered. It’s not for the strong, or for the wise, it’s not for the whole or the best. It’s for people who are willing. Willing to let go of their pride to learn at the feet of Jesus, willing to let go of their strength and embrace weakness for his sake ( Jesus is stronger than the cross: that piece of wood. Yet he embraced the crucifixion for your sake.)

Darling, when you pray reflects on it. Sleep on it. When you ask for his will you are not asking for your wants or your desires. You are asking for his kingdom to come through your life. You are saying you want to do his will and you’re concerned about his heart more than yours. And His will might not be the plans you have for your own life, it might not fit the spec you have dreamt of, it might not fit your fairytale romance. Ahh, his will for you might be to carry a seed. So while you are dreaming for a whirlwind romance in Paris, God hits you with the anointing to meet a burden in Africa, to heal the sick, to free the oppressed, to deliver a nation, oh darling, you might not marry your spec, but the spec of God for your life.

If you want God to take the glory, you have to let him take you because you are the platform, you are the microphone, you are His living pulpit. And he is going to use you if you ask him to, so know what you are asking and be sure you are willing to go when he sends you. Not that your lips is praying send me lord and your heart is saying to a whirlwind romance in Paris with Mr or Miss romantic, no man. You can’t be saying one thing and your motives are saying another. You can’t be double-minded. You can’t be living like the waves of the sea.

If you can’t bend your will to fit God’s will, you are carnal and self- centered.

Apostle Joshua Selman

Is it for his glory or for your glory? Let’s think about it. You want a hot man, six packs, earning six figures. Why? You might say to God, make him wealthy so we can both finance the kingdom, what about the sixpacs? Is it for waging war? The abs are not for God! It’s good to desire beautiful things, but it profitable to desire God first. I’m not saying a hot man is bad for you, I’m only saying to prepare your mind for the plans of God.

Marriage is a sensitive thing, and to see you must remove the spec in your eyes. You must align with God’s will as a Christian to let God work the miracles he wants to work with your relationship and with your marriage. Your relationship is not just for couple crush photography, but to lift others and set the pace.

I hope that you reconsider his spec for your life, and align with his call for you!

Love, Lima♥️

Do you know the plans He has for you, are you willing to go when he sends you? Tell me about it in the comment box. Thank you♥️

By Lima

My name is Sadiya Muhammad, and I am fondly called 'Lima'. Growing up I hated my name so much because it could be abbreviated as sadd. I wanted something unique and different. A name that could make me stand out. Then in 2013, I met Christ and he redefined the purpose of my life. I think I share a common story withe Jabez who was born in sorrow and in pain, and through his prayers he was redeemed and successful. I am chosen for this purpose. Now i know who I am.

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